Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week 13 - review

All in all, this subject has been very interesting. Im not too sure if there are any movies that are more boring than the ones that we watched, except for that cool animation about the internet. Oh course that was the best of all the movies. Adam is an awesome tutor, a terrific guy and a great friend. He broke through the bounds of the tutor-student relationship and connected with myself, as well as the rest of his students, on a more personal level. This really allowed the class to run alot smoother and for everyone to work in a stress-free and friendly environment. I enjoyed the course alot and i would like to thank Adam for all his help throughout the semester. He ensured the course was fun, interesting and unlike any other subject.

I wish you all the best with the remainder of the degree and hope we can keep in touch. Thank you for everything and it was because of you that i came to all the tute's that i possibly could, which was most of them anyway.

If there could be one thing i would change about the course it would be to make the lectures more interesting and intreguing. Apart from that, the couse was fine and i enjoyed it throughly.

Thank you Adam and all my class mates for an enjoyable course. there are too many names so ill just name a few. Adam, Krista, Gus, Bossy, Ryhan/rhyan/ryan, caitlin, danny, darly, nay, the two chicks who only talk to eachother, the other girls who kept to them selves and everyone else.

Mitch Cripps
drop me an email if you want to

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