Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 3, task 2

Thursday 15th March

New Com Tech is fair mad. I dont have people that i only know over the net. That is, as in, i have never seen them or anything like that. I reckon it would be fair weird to be talkin to someone who you have never met or anything before. What if they are some full weirdo pedo or something? Then again, what if they are not? I guess they are the thoughts that go through everyones' head at one time or another.

A cyber communication between people is quite different from a person-to-person interaction. On the net expression, tone and context can be perceived in differing ways, thus, leading to possible speculations about what someone has said. When talking to someone face-to-face these errors can be avioded as it is speech.

I have been using technologies for as long as i can remember. Back when the 'Super Nintendo' was the best and most sophisificated piece of gaming entertainment available and 2D graphics were the new thing, i was there testing my skills against those little bad guys in super mario bros. So i guess this would have to be when i started to use technology. Approx 10 or 11 years ago i would have to say. I started using email when i was 11 or 12, if that answers the question more accurately and directly. I am not 17 turning 18.

The thrill of playing with a device that could suspend my mind in complete illusion would have to be the main feature that influenced me to start using technologies.


Krista-Lee said...

HAHAHA oh yeaaaaa jks :P
its a bit hard to read ur text lol...but nice bkground
u like to surf ey? thats awesome!!! I swim, thats about it haha
kL :)

Miss Erin Louise said...

Hey Mitch, you should add me to your list of bros and females :) and i shall add you to mine! See you at uni soon! xo